by Nan Kammann-Judd
The first time I heard of the pending formation of this wacky, fun yet spiritual source for spreading and connecting the storytelling community around Missouri was through Sue Hinkel and Perrin.
They had a vision and the spunk and spirit to follow this idea in wonderfully creative, energizingly fun ways.
I was a fledging director of the St. Louis Storytelling Festival at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and passionate and deeply immersed in the wonder and community of that world. When I accepted the position a few years previous to this time, I was completely swept off my feet with this close, creative, evolving community and the underlying values and goals of storytelling. It energized and captivated me in ways I could never have imagined: an art form that created and nurtured community, inspired, delighted, soothed, challenged, and enriched lives. I was grateful for the gift of being a part of it. It was the most compelling, deeply satisfying, and creative work/play of my professional career.
Perrin invited me to join the founding board and I declined because I felt pulled in so many directions with my responsibilities and didn’t think I had the time or energy to give, but I did support the expansive idea and what they might do in Missouri. Both Perrin and Sue are dynamos and once they decide on doing something, it takes powerful Life and Energy and Fun. They always make whatever they are doing FUN!
Actually, Mo-Tell was conceived in fun---ideas sparked---what could we do- connect with Missouri State Parks and offer workshops, storytelling performances, gigs, spread the word. And they did, still do, and will continue into the future!
I attended the workshop at Cuivre River State Park led by Kathy Gentry, Al Barton’s therapy business partner. I can still remember being engaged in her Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel and we each had to find a place to sit before we knew what it meant. Bobby Norfolk and I each chose the Southwest/Yellow and learned later it is the Story Connection between heaven and earth.
I also remember how romantic Annette Harrison and Albert Barton seemed since they were about to be married. What a powerful place it was for such a gathering, deep in the forest and at the lodge of Cuivre River State Park, especially at night. Mo-Tell went on to initiate other programs around the state and in the parks.
Then there was the Missouri River Storytelling Festival in St. Charles aboard the 1909 Goldenrod showboat, with Jackson Gillman and Kevin Locke. I drove Jackson home and we talked a long time. He is an engaging, creative, energetic guy who left me with the impression he cycled from hunger to eating to performing to sleeping and then repeated it.
Kevin Locke was there, too, and I always greatly admired him both as an artist and as a dignified yet always good humored representative of the Lakotas. What a privilege to know him and to work with him over the years in St. Louis, in Jonesborough, and in Belleville, and eventually to nominate and see him inducted into NSN’s Circle of Excellence. His daughter, I believe her name was Rose, was at the Mo-Tell Missouri River Storytelling Festival in St. Charles and sat across from us at the table. We all did our best to include her and to welcome her.
Sadly, Kevin passed this past year (2022) and what a loss to so many people and so many causes. He was known, welcomed, and respected worldwide.
One of the biggest things I remember about Mo-Tell is the ongoing support of the St. Louis Storytelling Festival and to its growth and development. The communities were so intertwined. One of the Festival’s goals was to reach out into the community and to be involved in many cultural institutions. Mo-Tell envisioned a more expansive outreach into the whole state and then worked hard and faithfully to make it happen.
I do recall learning Becky Walstrom helped write grants for Mo-Tell, too, and I pay tribute and honor to the remarkably wonderful person, leader, and friend she was to all of us. I will always miss Becky, too, and how enthusiastically and happily she did whatever she could to enrich lives through storytelling.
Then there is Sue Hinkel and her endless creativity and good humor not only with organizing events, cajoling Perrin, getting us to buy every auction item until it was gone, creating and re-creating at every turn. I remember the first ever National Storytelling Conference outside Jonesborough, Tennessee, held at Fontbonne College in St. Louis. Sue was everywhere throughout the event and, at the end, Jimmy Neil Smith said Sue was the hardest working person he ever saw.
by Joyce Slater
I learned about storytelling in 1991. There was a storytelling class listed in the newspaper and I decided to try it. I met so many friends in that class, most of whom became lifelong friends. Jim “Two Crows” Wallen, Steve Otto, Tim Manson, Melva Hargett, Jackie Rozine, Shirley Long and Geneva Greenfield were a part of the group. Those classes led to many storytelling adventures.
Somehow, we became acquainted with Donnis Rogers, a storyteller in the KC area. She was listed as a master storyteller, and she was willing to pass on her knowledge to us. A Master Class was established and most of us joined. We worked hard developing our stories, our voices and our stage presence. In our near future we would be good enough to tell a story at the swapping ground at the MO-TELL Riverboat festival on the Goldenrod in St. Charles, MO. We all did just that. The festival began on a Friday night and continued to Sunday. There were storytellers there from all over the country. It was amazing.
On stage were people I would later get to know, Jackson Gilman, Bobby Norfolk, Michael Parent and more. The place was packed with listeners. We ate dinner together and listened in awe to the talent on stage.
Perrin Stifel was the President of this organization called MO-TELL, Missouri Storytelling Inc. He introduced teller after teller throughout the night. I could tell he loved what he was doing, and I wanted to really make storytelling a part of my life. Sue Hinkel was his second in command. I knew we would become friends too.
That first encounter with MO-TELL and the festival stuck with me. I traveled to St. Charles every year to be a part of it. Friendships grew and my storytelling skills improved until I was good enough to take to the stage of that riverboat and tell my own tale.
There are so many people and organizations to thank for my continued love of storytelling. Perrin Stifel and Sue Hinkel and MO-TELL rank high on my list of reasons I am a storyteller today. Thank you.
the Missouri Liars Contest Event, Saturday July 8, 2023 at the Masonic Temple, 12 E. Lockwood, Webster Groves, MO.
The Committee started work after the 2022 Liars Contest and MO-TELL-A-PALOOZA held at the Pacific Opera House. Perrin Stifel, Sue Hinkel, Jackie Wright and Joyce Slater met after the board meetings to plan. Ken Wolfe created our flyer for the MO-TELL Register.
At the temple on July 8 we met Mike, who unlocked the door, and we began to bring in supplies and silent auction items, etc. With help from volunteers it was quick! The AC was at 82 degrees so we endured the humidity and slow cooling process. Also, we had a warm and welcoming workshop, led by Sherry Norfolk, about using your voice in storytelling. Karen Young served as emcee. Comments from attendees were very positive, such as “She’s wonderful!” and “How does she do those voices?” Following a short break came the story swap with Cosy Wright as emcee. Fun!
We sold shirts, books, coffee, and tickets for the Amighetti’s lunch. The silent auction began at 11:30 as we began to eat. By the time lunch ended about 12:50 we were getting ready for the spoken contest. First we honored David Schlamb, Mo-Tell co-founder, with an honorary lifetime membership. He was very happy with the honor and shared how he helped numerous students to become young storytellers at Old Bonhomme School in Ladue. Marsha Stifel Mellendorf was given a special thank you as well by the board for the quilts she has made and donated.
Joyce Slater as emcee introduced the tellers, who shared wit and humor. First place went to Rich White, followed by Ken Wolfe (2nd ) and Christine Henderson (3rd ). Ric Vice, Linda Kuntz, Gary Kuntz, Roger Rose and Ron Stewart competed as well. Chester Weems read his 1st place written entry and Patricia Coffie won 2nd place. Awards of money and medals were distributed. Everyone loved the Liars Contest!
The silent auction ended, and winning folks waited with excitement to pay! Karen and Michael Potts did a great job with the silent auction. This event takes a lot of work and raised the most money. And Sue Bravo of Chicago won the quilt raffle.
Other wonderful volunteers made the day a marathon of fun...
Here is a list: Joyce Slater, Sue and John Hinkel, Gary and Linda Kuntz, Jackie and Papa Wright, Cosy Wright, Patty Carlton and her delicious cookies, Heather Murphy, Jan and Bob Jensen, Alice Stifel, Liz Lyons, Rich White and Alice Nathan, and Shara Storm, photographer. And many thanks to judges Melissa Bauer, Rebecca Clarke, Jan Dolan, Wynn Miller, Chris Mullen, and Prince Wells III.
ALL our donors for the silent auction are listed in the program. We made our financial goal because of them.
Where will it be next year? Will you enter? It’s a hard act to follow but you can do it!