by Jackie Wright
Patricia is so pleased to have fallen in with storytellers and puppeteers long ago—1963 as a teacher,1965 to 1970 working for NASA on First Walk on Moon, and formal storyteller beginning in 1976. She is still telling after all these years.
Patricia Coffie first discovered the Chicken Festival. It was a while before she realized the ChickenFestival was a River and Prairie Storyweavers event, and MO-TELL was another storytelling organization.
After learning about MO-TELL’s Missouri Liars Contest, Patricia entered in 2020 and won with the story, “The 43 Pound Cat.” She has entered ever since, and placed second in the written contest in July of 2023.
Patricia is pleased puppetry is included and appreciates the spoken and written. She really enjoys the opportunities to enter the written portion of the Missouri Liars Contest since she is no longer thrilled about driving in iffy weather or after dark.
Patricia appreciates listening and sharing in MO-TELL’s hybrid and zoom events. She has been a teller on MO-TELL’s online concert series. She told on the Crazy Days of Summer Concert in June of 2023.
Patricia has a digital book called “52 Favorites for Storytime” available for the asking. No cost, justdownload. First is The Mitten (Ukrainian folktale) and second is Corduroy. She is one of three tellers who established Clear Lake Storytelling Festival in 1989 and it continues to this day.
Patricia Coffie
Stories from Home
203 Emery Drive
Waverly, IA 50677
There’s a story for that..
by Elizabeth Ellis
Stories Open the Human Heart
HaHa stories let us laugh so we can relax
and listen. These stress busting stories are for the body.
AhHa stories activate our curiosity. From jump tales to pourquoi stories, the mind
loves to reason things out.
Aaah stories engage our emotions with deeper meaning. These tales satisfy the
hungry heart.
Amen stories remind us of ancient wisdom or modern insight. The spirit shines through
these stories.
Hello my friends,
Halloween kept us all busy with tales of ghosts, witches, and things that go bump in the night. Were there little goblins at your doors? It is an exciting time of year. I love the spooky tales and happily I told a few. Now we are getting ready for Thanksgiving and all it entails. For me it means bringing family together and sharing good food and good stories and lots of love. It also reminds me that I have so much for which to be grateful. I have a great family who surround me with love, wonderful neighbors and friends who spend time with me walking the neighborhood, and my church family who keep me in their prayers while my husband and I are going through this stage of our lives.
Thank you for your connection with MO-TELL as we keep the Missouri State Parks and Historic Sites filled with stories and storytellers. Who would we be without our stories?
Remember, November is also the time for Tellabration! MO-TELL will have a Tellabration Kick Off on November 17 th with Elizabeth Ellis, the mother of storytelling in the modern world. We will begin with a talkback and get-together on Zoom at 5:30 pm.
Stories will begin at 6 pm and go until 7 pm. It will be a great night. It is also a soft fundraiser for MO-TELL. All proceeds will be used for our storytelling programming for 2025.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 858 7814 8307
Passcode: 895271
There will also be an in-person Tellabration! in St. Louis on November 21st . Check the flyer below. If you are in St. Louis, please come. I will be telling one of my tales and I would love to see you all and visit with you.
Keep telling your stories,
Joyce Slater
President, MO-TELL
“The tale is not complete until it’s been heard.”
- Patrick Rothfuss