Hello, my friends,
MO-TELL continues to bring you stories online. In February we offered a program with three wonderful storytellers, Patricia Coffie, Connor McMullen and Beth Horner. We called it “What’s Love Got to Do with It?! Part III.” It was so popular a year ago in February and again in June of last year, we brought it back.
There will be another virtual program on April 5. Watch for the announcement next month.
July will bring the in-person Liars Contest. Bring your best lie. If you win you will receive a prize. The prizes are First Prize-$150, Second Prize-$100, Third Prize-$50 in each category. Entry deadline is June 1.
(See the website, www.mo-tell.org)
I hope to see you March 4 at 7 pm. NSN and the Irish Center of KC are collaborating with a storytelling and music event. The storytellers and musicians are Mike and Nancee Walker Micham, Rosie Cutrer and me.
We are so lucky to be a part of a group that connects through storytelling. Keep your stories alive, sometimes that is all we have. I think of the people in Ukraine and Afghanistan and wonder what their stories will be. Will their stories help them survive?
Keep telling your tales,
Joyce Slater
President of MO-TELL
“Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the situation, the more essential it is.”
- Tim O'Brien