Hello my friends,
I am thinking about the significance of our stories and how important it is to share them.
We are each a piece of the history of our times. Our stories will be remembered if we tell them. So, with that in mind I better get busy.
I was discussing with a friend a story project I have in mind. I have started it, but the problem is, it is only in my mind. I want to tell a story about each of the women in my life. I’ve talked about it, but I have not done it yet. Why is that? I am getting old and if I don’t start doing this soon, it will never get done.
I am thinking about this more because my husband is now residing in a memory care facility, and I see so many people there who have lost their memory and their voice. I wonder if their story has been lost. Who will tell their story? Who will tell mine if not me? Who will tell yours?
The history section in the newsletter carries peoples stories of MO-TELL. We want to hear about your connection to MO- TELL. We don’t want our stories to be lost. Send us your stories about our history. We have been sharing tales since the 1980s. Find a piece of our history that connects to yours.
Have you told your story?
Keep telling your tales,
Joyce Slater
President, MO-TELL
“Stories are memory aids, instruction manuals and moral compasses.”
-- Aleks Krotoski , author, broadcaster, journalist and social psychologist