Tell a little about yourself and your family? What is your vocation and your hobby?
I have a husband, two grown sons, one daughter- in-law, and a granddaughter. All are dual citizen Greeks except my daughter-in-law and me because we are not blood relatives. However, I have my Greek green card.
I am also a visual artist and am currently working on a mixed media photography/batik
exhibit with my brother.
What is your interest in storytelling? How did it begin?
My interest in storytelling began when I tried to learn and duplicate my grandmother's stories (after I retired). This grew to writing and telling my own stories. I especially like tall tales written from my life experiences. I guess I have always been an embellishing type of person with my recollections and storytelling makes me more legitimate. My favorite tall tale writer is Patrick McManus.
What tellers have been influential in your life?
Patrick McManus, Steve Otto, Gary and Linda Kuntz, Anthony Clark, Joyce Slater, Jim Two Crows Wallen.
What is your favorite story?
The Other Wiseman, any Oscar Wilde fairytale, especially the Happy Prince, and the Selfish Giant. I love my own stories because they are so hard to write that I value the efforts in writing them, good or bad. My favorite vacation is in Greece where we are now splitting our time with America. We have a house we inherited and renovated and are happy moving back and forth.
Why did you decide it was important to be a member of Missouri Storytelling? How can Mo-Tell improve?
I think now that I am really passionate about storytelling, it is important to use every resource that is available to me. That is why I am a member of the River and Prairie Storyweavers, MO-TELL and the National Storytelling Network. They are especially valuable for the mentorship I have had in each organization.