"French and Spanish, Trappers and Traders Along the Mississippi River" at Hunter-Dawson House, Hunter-Dawson State Park on September 28, 2024
My storytelling event was held at the Hunter Dawson house in New Madrid, Missouri. The staff had requested a Spanish and French trappers and traders program of which I provided.We talked about the Spanish and French and their encounters along Mississippi River in the 1600 and 1700 hundreds.
How Lewis and Clark and their journey West, after the purchase of the Louisiana territory, affected the Spanish and French Traders and trapper along with the indigenous people along the Mississippi River. In my demonstration the blue material was used to represented the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers. I also had a trade blanket with examples of items that might have been traded by the French Spanish trappers and traders and then later the Americans.
We additionally talked about what New Madrid would’ve been like in some of those early Spanish and French times.
After the storytelling section of my presentation the children and some of their parents joined me around my trade blanket, where I shared examples of items that could’ve been traded by the Spanish and French as they traded with Indigenous people. A beaver pelt & faux beaver hat were part of that display. From all indications the audience enjoyed my presentation.
Traveling Life’s Trails,